Intelligent household appliances,smart Habitat moved into AWE2019
Jun 11,2019

Skyworth, as the leader of intelligent home appliances in China, this AWE2019 showcases all kinds of smart products:

The road to future intelligence: carrying the "China core" and realizing the "China dream"(China Core refers to computer processing chips independently developed and manufactured by China.)

Next time, Skyworth will accelerate the introduction of intelligent professional leaders, coordinate intelligent system technology research, accelerate the establishment of intelligent system experience centers, provide complete intelligent system technology solutions, and vigorously promote the intelligentization of home appliances, homes, cities and automobiles, and improve the technical content and added value of products and systems.

Skyworth is determined to use the innovative technology capabilities to lead the industry into a better future, step into the world with high-end brand image, build a better life for human beings with intelligent human settlement system technology, carry carrying the "China core" and realizing the "China dream".

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